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LIS 721 Fiction Books Part 2

  Barnhill, K. (2016). The Girl Who Drank the Moon . Chapel Hill, North Carolina : Algonquin Young Readers, 2016., ©2016 Through legends that began around 500 years ago, when the great volcano last erupted, stories have been passed down from generation to generation. All of which share the same message... There is a witch in the woods. There has always been a witch in the woods. Luna, was abandoned as a baby in a circle of sycamore trees. She wasn't the first baby or the last baby to be left in the woods. Once a year, a village called the Protectorate sacrifices the youngest baby to appease the witch who lives in the woods. Unbeknownst to the people, Xan, the witch of the woods, is kind and compassionate. She chooses to rescue the babies and unite them with new families who will love and cherish them. Until one day when she accidently feeds one of the babies moonlight, which enraptures the babe with magical powers. Instantly falling in love with the child, she adopts her to raise a

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LIS 721 Fiction Books Part 1

LIS 721 Transitional Books and Graphic Novels